E-Learning & Education Management
Tailored To You
In the information age every individual and every organization needs well-honed skills to grow and stay ahead of the game. The world’s leading individuals and organizations recognize this, and so do we. Working with our partners at 2createffects these highly acclaimed courses help individuals, teams and organizations gain a competitive edge and stay ahead of the game.
- Dynamic Thinking
- Cyber Security
- Children’s Course
Our team of instructors and consultants are located in Europe and the United States of America – although we often travel to other corners of the earth to deliver our courses. The team are hand picked to comprise a mixture of academics and senior practitioners with a wealth of experience from across various professional sectors. All of our team members share a passion and skill for dynamic thinking – which has brought them significant personal success in their own careers.
Through the expertise of our team, which combines high-level academic perspectives with extensive experience of both government and private sector worlds, we go beyond standard theory, tools and techniques by providing experiential scenario based education that challenges participants in exciting and stimulating ways.
Dynamic Thinking
“The dynamic thinker is the person who continuously invests in adopting and adapting habits of mind that allow them to think and respond to challenges critically and creatively”
Our Method – Thought provoking and inspiring
Our courses use a learning rule of 70-20-10. 70% practical scenario based simulation exercises, creative problem solving and presentation, 20% tools and techniques, discussion and review, and 10% theory. This is learning through action.
We use innovative simulation exercises and role-play to help make the experience of learning come to life. Our exercises are extremely engaging and will get you and your team completely out of the comfort zone and into the learning zone.
We design our educational programs to teach, exercise, assess and test a wide range of individual and team professional skills. We then adjust the emphasis of our approach to suit each group and every individual participant. We respond to our clients needs through careful consultation and planning prior to delivery of a program and then during the actual delivery to ensure that the participant gains maximum benefit. We understand how people learn. We have tailored our Dynamic Thinking approach to a number of professional disciplines. We’ve shown thousands of individuals and teams how to build robust strategies for thinking through the professional challenges that confront them. We help them build the habits of mind they need to succeed in their own profession. Our students are left armed with a personalized intellectual framework for delivering their desired effects. They leave with an armory of practical tips and techniques that they will be able to put to immediate effect in their work.
Our courses and consultants have helped organizations with:
- Strategic Planning
- Team Development
- Leader Development
- Organizational transitions
Cyber Security
Learn to stay safe in cyberspace and take responsibility for your personal security. A visual and thought-provoking experience that explores the full specturm of cyber threats; crime, espionage, hacktivism, terrorism, intellectual property theft… Participants leave armed with a strong understanding of the span of threats in cyberspace combined with a personalized framework for protecting themselves, friends, colleagues and families.
Visit our partner site to learn more about our Certificate in Cyber Hygiene.
Children’s Course
We understand how to engage the minds of children and provide them with learning that changes their Internet habits – making them safer and more confident in cyberspace. Our aim is to raise awareness of the most pertinent cyber safety issues to each age group of student. This approach in turn helps our students build robust vigilance in cyberspace. We achieve this by assisting teachers and parents to facilitate highly effective learning using engaging, fun and memorable story-based lessons. Our courses are founded on cutting edge research.
Enter Cyber Town to explore e-safety through e-learning.
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