Culture & Language Training and Support
GSGS has extensive experience providing highly qualified personnel with experience in language instruction, technical translation, diplomatic/operational interpretation, live role-player support, host nation liaison, and cultural advisement.
We have developed courses, training material, and immersion opportunities across multiple continents in dozens of languages. We tailor each program to mission-specific tasks and objectives that ensure functional, real world, engagements resulting in success. GSGS regularly advises clients through all levels of host nation involvement to increase the capacity, impact, and sustainability of desired outcomes. GSGS in-country teams and support staff leverage extensive networks to improve coordination and information sharing between individuals, agencies and organizations. We have embedded language trainers and cultural advisors with U.S. teams in North, South, West, and East Africa, as well as Romania and Bulgaria.
Interpreter Support
GSGS provides a full range of translation and interpreter services; specializing in providing highly proficient linguists in French, Arabic, Portuguese, German, Romanian, Bulgarian, Italian, and Korean.
GSGS linguists provide home-station support, off-site support, and are able to travel with teams to remote areas. Our teams of interpreters have worked professionally in support of embassy operations, Department of Defense missions, as well as the private sector. All our interpreters maintain internationally recognized certifications and the highest Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) scores with experience in:
- Checkpoint Operations
- Medical Support
- Locally Employed Personnel Screening
- Training Host-Nation Forces
- VIP Escort
- Contract Negotiations
- Cultural Awareness
Culture and Language Handbooks
GSGS designs and builds custom visual dictionaries based on NATO doctrine and military terminology, for use by U.S. Army personnel in training and security cooperation engagements. These handbooks are being used in direct support of official U.S. Army training and bi-lateral security cooperation engagements overseas across Africa and Europe. Handbooks are custom built according to mission and have been used in direct support of U.S. Army training and bi-lateral security cooperation engagements in Africa with:
FASTP (The Armed Forces of São Tomé e Príncipe) – São Tomé e Príncipe
Académie militaire Georges Namoano – Burkina Faso
The Comorian Security Force (French Armée nationale de développement) – Comoros
Royal Military Academy – Morocco
Malagasy Army Staff College – Madagascar
Our Real World Impact: GSGS Culture & Language Training Support teams have deployed in support of Department of Defense/Department of State to:
Burkina Faso
Sao Tome